Pharmacology Pretest Self-Assessment And Review 14/E
205.00 ₪
הוצאה לאור
McGraw Hill Professional
עמודים / Pages
14th Edition
תאריך יציאה לאור
16 באפר׳ 2013
PreTest is the closest you can get to seeing the test before you take it!
500 USMLE-type questions and answers!
Great for course review and the USMLE Step 1, Pharmacology PreTest asks the right questions so you’ll know the right answers. You’ll find 500 clinical-vignette style questions and answers along with complete explanations of correct and incorrect answers. The content has been reviewed by students who recently passed their exams, so you know you are studying the most relevant and up-to-date material possible. No other study guide targets what you really need to know in order to pass like PreTest!
Preface Introduction Cross-References (for Answers) to Selected Pharmacology Texts Generic Drug Name Recognition Guide List of Abbreviations General Principles of Pharmacology The Peripheral Nervous Systems: Autonomic and Somatic Nervous System Pharmacology Central Nervous System Pharmacology Cardiovascular Pharmacology Renal System and Diuretic Pharmacology Respiratory System Pharmacology: Asthma and COPD Autacoids Anti-Inflammatory Drug Pharmacology Gastrointestinal and Urinary Tract Pharmacology, Nutrition (Vitamins Endocrine and Reproductive Pharmacology Antimicrobial and Antiviral Pharmacology Cancer and Immune System Pharmacology Toxicology, Bioterrorism, and Chemical Warfare Agents Appendix A: Drug Interactions Involving the P450 System Appendix B: Common Serum Chemistries (Normal Values) Appendix C: Web Sites for More Information Index
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