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Social Injustice and Public Health

‏264.00 ₪
יצא לאור ב
New York
3rd Revised edition
עמודים / Pages
Paperback / softback
תאריך יציאה לאור
15 באוג׳ 2019
"An invaluable primer on how inequity breeds ill health" -New England Journal of Medicine AN ESSENTIAL WORK ON SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH, NOW UPDATED AND EXPANDED This newly revised edition of the classic text is a comprehensive, up-to-date resource for understanding and addressing the profound impacts of social injustice on public health. Across chapters from experts in health and medicine, readers learn to recognize both the threads of inequity and the health impacts they produce. The result is illuminating and essential reading for students and professionals in public health.
"An invaluable primer on how inequity breeds ill health" -New England Journal of Medicine AN ESSENTIAL WORK ON SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH, NOW UPDATED AND EXPANDED This newly revised edition of the classic text is a comprehensive, up-to-date resource for understanding and addressing the profound impacts of social injustice on public health. Across chapters from experts in health and medicine, readers learn to recognize both the threads of inequity and the health impacts they produce. The result is illuminating and essential reading for students and professionals in public health. Enriched with photographs and case examples and featuring contributions from the luminaries whose work helped define the field, Social Injustice and Public Health is a foundational text for understanding and addressing today's biggest challenges in health.
מידע נוסף
מהדורה 3rd Revised edition
עמודים / Pages 672
פורמט Paperback / softback
ISBN10 0190914645
יצא לאור ב New York
תאריך יציאה לאור 15 באוג׳ 2019
תוכן עניינים Part I: Introduction 1: The Nature of Social Injustice and Its Impact on Public Health Barry S. Levy Box 1-1: Concepts of Social Justice Box 1-2: Science and Social Justice Omar Khan and Kawika Liu Part II: How Social Injustice Affects the Health of Specific Population Groups 2: Socioeconomically Disadvantaged People Michael Marmot and Ruth Bell 3: People of Color Carol Easley Allen and Cheryl E. Easley Box 3-1: Racial and Ethnic Definitions in the U.S. Census Box 3-2: Major Disparities in Infant Mortality and Maternal Mortality Rates of African Americans Compared with Others in the United States Linda Villarosa Box 3-3: The Importance of Teaching Health Professionals About Cultural Competence 4: Women Gina Maranto 5: Children Sara Rosenbaum, Kay A. Johnson, and Rachel Gunsalus Box 5-1: Child Poverty Rates in the United States and Other Countries Barry S. Levy Box 5-2: Children in Low- and Middle-income Countries: Millions Are Dying from Preventable Diseases Kathryn Bolles and M. James Eliades 6: Older People Carroll L. Estes and Steven P. Wallace 7: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender/Transsexual People Emilia Lombardi and Talia Bettcher 8: People with Disabilities Nora Ellen Groce Box 8-1: Terminology Box 8-2: Disability and Education Box 8-3: Similarities and Differences Among People with Disabilities 9: Incarcerated People. Ernest M. Drucker Box 9-1: Political Prisoners William Schulz 10: People Who Are Homeless Elizabeth M. Moore, Theresa H. Cheng, Roya Ijadi-Maghsoodi, and Lillian Gelberg 11: Forced Migrants: Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Michael Toole Part III: How Social Injustice Affects Areas of Public Health 12: Medical Care Oliver Fein and H. Jack Geiger Box 12-1: What is Single-payer Health Care? Steffie Woolhandler and David Himmelstein Box 12-2: Improving Medical Care by Teaching Medical Students About Racism Anthony L. Schlaff 13: Infectious Diseases Joia S. Mukherjee and Paul E. Farmer Box 13-1: Case Study of a Man with Tuberculosis 14: Nutrition J. Larry Brown Box 14-1: Definition of Key Terms Box 14-2: Obesity 15: Noncommunicable Diseases Ramla Benmaamar, Madeleine Smith, and Derek Yach Box 15-1: Noncommunicable Disease Inequities in the United States Barry S. Levy 16: Mental Health Carles Muntaner, Edwin Ng, Haejoo Chung, Philipp Hessel, and William W. Eaton Box 16-1: The Opioid Crisis and Social Justice Jay C. Butler 17: Violence James A. Mercy and Sarah DeGue Box 17-1: War and Public Health Barry S. Levy Box 17-2: The International Arms Trade Barry S. Levy Box 17-3: Nuclear Weapons and Social Injustice Robert M. Gould and Patrice M. Sutton 18: Environmental Health Barry S. Levy Box 18-1: Childhood Lead Poisoning Howard Hu Box 18-2: Impact of Natural Disasters on Social Justice Linda Young Landesman Box 18-3: Planetary Health Samuel S. Myers 19: Occupational Health and Safety. Linda Rae Murray Box 19-1: Economic Globalization Ellen R. Shaffer and Joseph E. Brenner 20: Oral Health Myron Allukian, Jr., and Alice M. Horowitz Box 20-1: Oral Health Inequalities in Low-income Countries 21: International and Global Health Barry S. Levy Box 21-1: Trafficking in Persons Box 21-2: Hunger and Malnutrition in Low- and Middle-income Countries Box 21-3: Export of Hazardous Substances from High-income Countries to Low- and Middle-income Countries Part IV: An Agenda for Action 22: Addressing Social Injustice in a Human Rights Context Sofia Gruskin and Paula Braveman Box 22-1: Promoting the Rights of "Undocumented Immigrants" Carmen R. Nevarez 23: Promoting Social Justice Through Public Health Policies, Programs, and Services Alonzo Plough and Priya Gandhi 24: Strengthening Communities and the Roles of Individuals in Building Community Life Robert E. Aronson, Kay Lovelace, John W. Hatch, and Tony L. Whitehead Box 24-1: Strengthening Communities in Low-Income Countries Gail Snetro-Plewman and Angela Brasington Box 24-2: How a Community-Based Foundation Addresses Health Consequences of Social Injustice Martin D. Cohen 25: Promoting Social Justice Through Education in Public Health Robert S. Lawrence Box 25-1: International Declaration of Health Rights Box 25-2: Teaching Health Equity in a Community-based Program Shelley K. White 26: A Critical Research Agenda for Social Justice and Public Health: An Ecosocial Proposal Nancy Krieger 27: Protecting Human Rights through International and National Law Henry A. Freedman and Martha F. Davis Box 27-1: Preventing Torture Leonard S. Rubenstein and Vincent Iacopino 28: Learning from the Social Movements of the 1960s Oliver Fein and Charlotte Phillips 29: Promoting Health with Equitable and Sustainable Human Development Richard Jolly Box 29-1: The Role of International Non-governmental Organizations in Promoting Equitable and Sustainable Human Development Raymond C. Offenheiser and M. Porter McConnell Box 29-2: The Roles of Foundations in Promoting Equitable and Sustainable Human Development Mark Sidel Index