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Mims' Medical Microbiology and Immunology, International Edition

‏184.00 ₪
6th Ed.
הוצאה לאור
עמודים / Pages
International Edition
תאריך יציאה לאור
28 בפבר׳ 2018

Learn all the microbiology and basic immunology concepts you need to know for your courses and exams. Now fully revised and updated, Mims’ clinically relevant, systems-based approach and abundant colour illustrations make this complex subject easy to understand and remember.



  • Learn about infections in the context of major body systems


      and understand why these are environments in which microbes can establish themselves, flourish, and give rise to pathologic changes. This systems-based approach to microbiology employs integrated and case-based teaching that places the ‘bug parade’ into a clinical context.



  • Effectively review for problem-based courses


      with the help of chapter introductions and ‘Lessons in Microbiology’ text boxes that highlight the clinical relevance of the material, offer easy access to key concepts, and provide valuable review tools.



  • Approach microbiology by body system or by pathogen


      through the accompanying electronic ‘Pathogen Parade’ – a quickly searchable, cross-referenced glossary of viruses, bacteria and fungi



  • A new electronic ‘Vaccine Parade’


      offers quick-reference coverage of the most commonly used vaccines in current clinical practice



  • Deepen your understanding of epidemiology


      and the important role it plays in providing evidence-based identification of key risk factors for disease and targets for preventative medicine. 



  • Grasp and retain vital concepts easily,


      with a user-friendly colour coded format, succinct text, key concept boxes, and dynamic illustrations.



  • New and enhanced information reflects the growing importance of the human microbiota and latest molecular approaches




  • Access the complete contents on the go via the accompanying interactive eBook, with a range of bonus materials to enhance learning and retention –


    includes self-assessment materials and clinical cases to check your understanding and aid exam preparation.


מידע נוסף
מהדורה 6th Ed.
עמודים / Pages International Edition
פורמט Paperback
הוצאה לאור Elsevier
תאריך יציאה לאור 28 בפבר׳ 2018
תוכן עניינים
  • Cover image
  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Copyright
  • Foreword by Cedric Mims
  • Preface to the sixth edition
  • Acknowledgements
  • A contemporary approach to microbiology
  • Introduction
  • The Context for Contemporary Medical Microbiology
  • Microbiology Past, Present and Future
  • The Approach Adopted in This Book
  • Section 1 The Adversaries – Pathogens
  • Introduction
  • 1 Pathogens as parasites
  • The Varieties of Pathogens
  • Living Inside or Outside Cells
  • Systems of Classification
  • 2 The bacteria
  • Structure
  • Nutrition
  • Growth and Division
  • Gene Expression
  • Survival Under Adverse Conditions
  • Mobile Genetic Elements
  • Mutation and Gene Transfer
  • The Genomics of Medically Important Bacteria
  • 3 The viruses
  • Major Groups of Viruses
  • Infection of Host Cells
  • Replication
  • Outcome of Viral Infection
  • 4 The fungi
  • Major Groups of Disease-Causing Fungi
  • 5 The protozoa
  • 6 The helminths
  • Life Cycles
  • Helminths and Disease
  • 7 The arthropods
  • 8 Prions
  • ‘Rogue Protein’ Pathogenesis
  • Development, Transmission and Diagnosis of Prion Diseases
  • Prevention and Treatment of Prion Diseases
  • 9 The host–parasite relationship
  • The Microbiota and Microbiome
  • Symbiotic Associations
  • The Characteristics of Parasitism
  • The Evolution of Parasitism
  • Section 2 The Adversaries – Host Defences
  • Introduction
  • 10 The innate defences of the body
  • Defences Against Entry Into the Body
  • Defences Once the Microorganism Penetrates the Body
  • 11 Adaptive immune responses bring specificity
  • Lymphoid Tissues Primary and Secondary
  • Secondary Lymphoid Organs
  • Subsets of T Cells
  • Antibody Structure and Function
  • Recirculation of T and B Cells
  • 12 Cooperation leads to effective immune responses
  • Cooperation Means Greater Efficiency
  • Opsonization by Antibody Enhances Phagocytosis and Leads to Complement Activation
  • Beneficial Inflammatory Reactions Can Also Be Enhanced by Antibodies
  • Activation of T Cells Involves Antigen-Presenting Cells and Additional Co-Stimulatory Signals
  • Clonal Expansion
  • Antibody Production Involves a Series of Steps Within the Germinal Centre
  • Cytokines Play an Important Part in These Cell–Cell Interactions
  • Immunological Memory Enables a Second Infection With the Same Microbe to Be Dealt With More Effectively
  • Armies Must Be Kept Under Control
  • Section 3 The Conflicts
  • Introduction
  • 13 Background to the infectious diseases
  • Host–Parasite Relationships
  • Causes of Infectious Diseases
  • The Biological Response Gradient
  • 14 Entry, exit and transmission
  • Sites of Entry
  • Exit and Transmission
  • Types of Transmission Between Humans
  • Transmission From Animals
  • 15 Immune defences in action
  • Complement
  • Acute Phase Proteins and Pattern Recognition Receptors
  • Fever
  • Natural Killer Cells
  • Phagocytosis
  • Cytokines
  • Antibody-Mediated Immunity
  • Cell-Mediated Immunity
  • Recovery From Infection
  • 16 Spread and replication
  • Features of Surface and Systemic Infections
  • Mechanisms of Spread Through the Body
  • Genetic Determinants of Spread and Replication
  • Other Factors Affecting Spread and Replication
  • 17 Parasite survival strategies and persistent infections
  • Parasite Survival Strategies
  • Concealment of Antigens
  • Antigenic Variation
  • Immunosuppression
  • Persistent Infections
  • 18 Pathological consequences of infection
  • Pathology Caused Directly by Microorganisms
  • Diarrhoea
  • Pathological Activation of Natural Immune Mechanisms
  • Pathological Consequences of the Immune Response
  • Skin Rashes
  • Viruses and Cancer
  • Section 4 Clinical Manifestation and Diagnosis of Infections by Body System
  • Introduction
  • The Clinical Manifestations of Infection
  • 19 Upper respiratory tract infections
  • Rhinitis
  • Pharyngitis and Tonsillitis
  • Parotitis
  • Otitis and Sinusitis
  • Acute Epiglottitis
  • Oral Cavity Infections
  • 20 Lower respiratory tract infections
  • Laryngitis and Tracheitis
  • Diphtheria
  • Whooping Cough
  • Acute Bronchitis
  • Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis
  • Bronchiolitis
  • Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Infection
  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS)
  • Pneumonia
  • Bacterial Pneumonia
  • Viral Pneumonia
  • Parainfluenza Virus Infection
  • Adenovirus Infection
  • Human Metapneumovirus Infection
  • Human Bocavirus Infection
  • Influenza Virus Infection
  • Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infections
  • Measles Virus Infection
  • Cytomegalovirus Infection
  • Tuberculosis
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Lung Abscess
  • Fungal Infections
  • Protozoal Infections
  • 21 Urinary tract infections
  • Acquisition and Aetiology
  • Pathogenesis
  • Clinical Features and Complications
  • Laboratory Diagnosis
  • Treatment
  • Prevention
  • 22 Sexually transmitted infections
  • Stis and Sexual Behaviour
  • Syphilis
  • Gonorrhoea
  • Chlamydial Infection
  • Other Causes of Inguinal Lymphadenopathy
  • Mycoplasmas and Non-Gonococcal Urethritis
  • Other Causes of Vaginitis and Urethritis
  • Genital Herpes
  • Human Papillomavirus Infection
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • Opportunist Stis
  • Arthropod Infestations
  • 23 Gastrointestinal tract infections
  • Diarrhoeal Diseases Caused by Bacterial or Viral Infection
  • Food Poisoning – Bacterial Toxin-Associated Diarrhoea
  • Viral Causes of Diarrhoea
  • Helicobacter Pylori and Gastric Ulcer Disease
  • Parasites and the Gastrointestinal Tract
  • Systemic Infection Initiated in the Gastrointestinal Tract
  • 24 Obstetric and perinatal infections
  • Infections Occurring in Pregnancy
  • Congenital Infections
  • Infections Occurring Around the Time of Birth
  • 25 Central nervous system infections
  • Invasion of the Central Nervous System
  • The Body's Response to Invasion
  • Meningitis
  • Encephalitis
  • Neurological Diseases of Possible Viral Aetiology
  • Spongiform Encephalopathies Caused by Scrapie-Type Agents
  • CNS Disease Caused by Parasites
  • Brain Abscesses
  • Tetanus and Botulism
  • 26 Infections of the eye
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Infection of the Deeper Layers of the Eye
  • 27 Infections of the skin, soft tissue, muscle and associated systems
  • Bacterial Infections of Skin, Soft Tissue and Muscle
  • Mycobacterial Diseases of the Skin
  • Fungal Infections of the Skin
  • Parasitic Infections of the Skin
  • Mucocutaneous Manifestations of Viral Infections
  • Smallpox Virus Infection
  • Measles Virus Infection
  • Rubella Virus Infection
  • Other Maculopapular Rashes Associated With Travel-Related Infections
  • Other Infections Producing Skin Lesions
  • Kawasaki Syndrome
  • Viral Infections of Muscle
  • Parasitic Infections of Muscle
  • Joint and Bone Infections
  • Infections of the Haemopoietic System
  • 28 Vector-borne infections
  • Arbovirus Infections
  • Infections Caused by Rickettsiae
  • Borrelia Infections
  • Protozoal Infections
  • Helminth Infections
  • 29 Multisystem zoonoses
  • Arenavirus Infections
  • Haemorrhagic Fever With Renal Syndrome (HFRS)
  • Ebola and Marburg Haemorrhagic Fevers
  • Crimean–Congo Haemorrhagic Fever, a Tick-Borne Virus
  • Q Fever
  • Anthrax
  • Plague
  • Yersinia Enterocolitica Infection
  • Tularaemia
  • Pasteurella Multocida Infection
  • Leptospirosis
  • Rat-Bite Fever
  • Brucellosis
  • Helminth Infections
  • 30 Fever of unknown origin
  • Definitions of Fever of Unknown Origin
  • Causes of FUO
  • Investigation of Classic FUO
  • Treatment of FUO
  • FUO in Specific Patient Groups
  • Infective Endocarditis
  • 31 Infections in the compromised host
  • The Compromised Host
  • Infections of the Host With Deficient Innate Immunity Due to Physical Factors
  • Infections Associated With Secondary Adaptive Immunodeficiency
  • Other Important Opportunist Pathogens
  • Section 5 Diagnosis and Control
  • Introduction
  • 32 Diagnosis of infection and assessment of host defence mechanisms
  • Aims of the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory
  • Specimen Processing
  • Cultivation (Culture) of Microorganisms
  • Identification of Microorganisms Grown in Culture
  • Non-Cultural Techniques for the Laboratory Diagnosis of Infection
  • Antibody Detection Methods for the Diagnosis of Infection
  • Assessment of Host Defence Systems
  • Putting It All Together: Detection, Diagnosis and Epidemiology
  • 33 Epidemiology and control of infectious diseases
  • Outcome Measurements
  • Types of Epidemiological Studies
  • Transmission of Infectious Disease
  • Vaccine Efficacy
  • 34 Attacking the enemy
  • Selective Toxicity
  • Discovery and Design of Antimicrobial Agents
  • Classification of Antibacterial Agents
  • Resistance to Antibacterial Agents
  • Classes of Antibacterial Agents
  • Inhibitors of Cell Wall Synthesis
  • Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis
  • Inhibitors of Nucleic Acid Synthesis
  • Antimetabolites Affecting Nucleic Acid Synthesis
  • Other Agents That Affect DNA
  • Inhibitors of Cytoplasmic Membrane Function
  • Urinary Tract Antiseptics
  • Antituberculosis Agents
  • Antibacterial Agents in Practice
  • Antibiotic Assays
  • Antiviral Therapy
  • Antifungal Agents
  • Antiparasitic Agents
  • Control by Chemotherapy Versus Vaccination
  • Control Versus Eradication
  • Use and Misuse of Antimicrobial Agents
  • 35 Protecting the host
  • Vaccination – a Four Hundred Year History
  • Aims of Vaccination
  • Vaccines Can Be of Different Types
  • 36 Active, passive and adoptive immunotherapy
  • Adoptive Immunotherapy
  • Passive Immunotherapy
  • Non-Specific Cellular Immunostimulation
  • Correction of Host Immunodeficiency
  • Probiotics
  • 37 Infection control
  • Common Hospital Infections
  • Important Causes of Hospital Infection
  • Sources and Routes of Spread of Hospital Infection
  • Host Factors and Hospital Infection
  • Consequences of Hospital Infection
  • Prevention of Hospital Infection
  • Investigating Healthcare-Associated Infection
  • Sterilization and Disinfection
  • Bibliography – list of useful websites
  • Useful Websites
  • Pathogen parade
  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
  • Fungi
  • Protozoa
  • Helminths
  • Vaccine parade
  • Index
Author Richard Goering, Hazel M. Dockrell, Mark Zuckerman, Peter L. Chiodini