מחיר מבצע ‏100.00 ₪ מחיר רגיל ‏613.00 ₪


מחיר מבצע ‏100.00 ₪ מחיר רגיל ‏613.00 ₪
תאריך יציאה לאור
11 בינו׳ 2000

אין אפשרות החזרה

מידע נוסף
מהדורה 1
תאריך יציאה לאור 11 בינו׳ 2000
תוכן עניינים

Preface -- Exercises in Diagnostic Radiology -- Spinal Disease -- Summary of the Diagnostic Approach to Animals with Suspected Neurologic Disease -- Summary of the Neurological Examination -- Definition and Types of Myelopathies -- Clinical Signs of Myelopathies -- Factors Determining Clinical Signs -- Upper and Lower Motor Neurons -- Localization of Lesions within the Spinal Cord -- Vertebrae Versus Spinal Cord Segments -- Diagnostic Approach to Spinal Cord Lesions -- Localization Errors -- Prognosis Based on Clinical Signs -- Cauda Equina Syndrome -- Change in Size or Shape of Vertebral Body -- Spinal Tumors in the Dog -- Dynamic Radiography -- Vertebral Canal Stenosis in the Dog -- Rules for Good Radiography of the Spine -- Changes in Width of Disc Space -- Osseous Metaplasia or Dural Ossification of the Spinal Dura Mater in the Dog -- Cervical Spondylopathy (Cervical Vertebral Malformation -- Malarticulation) -- Summary -- Cervical Spondylopathy in the Dog -- Myelography with Disc Disease -- Patterns of Myelographic Changes -- Radiographic Changes in Disc Diseases -- Spondylitis, Discitis, and Discospondylitis -- Hemivertebra -- Spina bifida -- Failure of Separation of Vertebrae (Block Vertebra) -- Changes in the Vertebral Arch -- Spinal Neoplasia in the Cat -- Multiple Osteochondromatosis in the Cat -- Feline Spondylosis Deformans -- Diagnostic Approach for Lameness -- Radiography of Spinal Trauma -- Clinical Signs of Spinal Trauma -- Disc Degeneration in the Dog -- Malalignment of Vertebrae -- Spondylosis Deformans in the Dog -- Achondroplasia -- Contraindications for Myelography -- Radiographic Diagnosis of the Lumbosacral Junction -- Disseminated Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH) -- Osteoarthrosis -- Classification of Primary Vertebral Canal Stenosis -- Transitional Lumbosacral Vertebral Anomaly in the Dog -- Cervical Plain Due to Spinal Column or Neural Disease -- Congenital Occipito-atlanto-axial Lesions in the Dog.