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1,175.00 ₪
Quantitative Microbiology in Food Processing - Modeling the Microbial Ecology
1,175.00 ₪
יצא לאור ב
New York
עמודים / Pages
תאריך יציאה לאור
3 בפבר׳ 2017
Microorganisms are essential for the production of many foods, including cheese, yoghurt, and bread, but they can also cause spoilage and diseases.
Microorganisms are essential for the production of many foods, including cheese, yoghurt, and bread, but they can also cause spoilage and diseases. Quantitative Microbiology of Food Processing: Modeling the Microbial Ecology explores the effects of food processing techniques on these microorganisms, the microbial ecology of food, and the surrounding issues concerning contemporary food safety and stability. Whilst literature has been written on these separate topics, this book seamlessly integrates all these concepts in a unique and comprehensive guide. Each chapter includes background information regarding a specific unit operation, discussion of quantitative aspects, and examples of food processes in which the unit operation plays a major role in microbial safety. This is the perfect text for those seeking to understand the quantitative effects of unit operations and beyond on the fate of foodborne microorganisms in different foods. Quantitative Microbiology of Food Processing is an invaluable resource for students, scientists, and professionals of both food engineering and food microbiology.
עמודים / Pages | 696 |
פורמט | Hardback |
ISBN10 | 1118756428 |
יצא לאור ב | New York |
תאריך יציאה לאור | 3 בפבר׳ 2017 |
תוכן עניינים | List of contributors xvi Part I Introductory section 1 1 Introduction to the microbial ecology of foods 3 D. Roy and G. LaPointe 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 Role of food characteristics and environment on microbial fate 4 1.3 Understanding microbial growth, death, persistence, competition, antagonism and survival in food 8 1.4 Methods to study the microbial ecology of foods 11 1.5 Perspectives on applying food ecosystem modeling 12 References 13 2 Predictive microbiology: mathematics towards understanding the fate of food borne microorganisms in food processing 16 P.N. Skandamis and E.Z. Panagou 2.1 Introduction 16 2.2 Probability and kinetic models for food processing and HACCP 18 2.3 Thermal inactivation 32 2.4 Non thermal inactivation and modeling stress adaptation strategies 34 2.5 Fermentation: a dynamic environment for microbial growth and pathogen inactivation 38 2.6 Colonial versus planktonic type of growth: modes of microbial existence on surfaces and in liquid, semi liquid, and solid foods 41 2.7 Modeling microbial transfer between processing equipment and foods 45 2.8 Alternative multivariate approaches: the use of bioinformatics for characterizing spoilage and product classification 49 References 51 3 Principles of unit operations in food processing 68 A. Ibarz and P.E.D. Augusto 3.1 Introduction 68 3.2 Principles of transport phenomena 68 3.3 Principles and unit operations of momentum transfer 69 3.4 Principles and unit operations of heat transfer 73 3.5 Principles and unit operations of mass transfer 81 3.6 Conclusions 82 References 83 Part II Impact of unit operations on microorganisms of relevance in foods 85 4 Impact of materials handling at pre and post harvest operations on the microbial ecology of foods of vegetable origin 87 A.N. Olaimat, P.J. Delaquis, and R.A. Holley 4.1 Introduction 87 4.2 The production environment 90 4.3 Soil 91 4.4 Fertilizers derived from animal wastes 92 4.5 Irrigation 93 4.6 Harvesting and handling 98 4.7 Postharvest processing 99 4.8 Packaging, storage, and transportation 101 4.9 Conclusions 103 References 103 5 Impact of heating operations on the microbial ecology of foods 117 E. Xanthakis and V.P. Valdramidis 5.1 Background and basic information of heating operations 117 5.2 Quantitative aspects and how unit operations impact on food borne microorganisms 131 5.3 Application of F value concept 132 5.4 Dealing with non linearity 133 5.5 Development of new concepts to assess heat processes 135 5.6 Microbial safety and stability of heating operations: challenges and perspectives 136 References 136 6 Impact of refrigeration operations on the microbial ecology of foods 142 L. Huang 6.1 Introduction 142 6.2 Refrigeration as a unit operation 143 6.3 Dynamic effect of chilling on growth of C. perfringens during cooling 147 References 158 7 Impact of dehydration and drying operations on the microbial ecology of foods 160 F. Perez Rodriguez, E. Carrasco, and A. Valero 7.1 Introduction 160 7.2 Modeling the drying process in food 161 7.3 Modeling microbial survival/inactivation in drying/dehydration processes 163 7.4 Example of application/development of predictive microbiology models for describing microbial death during drying processes 169 7.5 Conclusions 173 References 173 8 Impact of irradiation on the microbial ecology of foods 176 S. Unluturk 8.1 Introduction 176 8.2 Ionizing radiation 176 8.3 Non ionizing radiation 180 References 187 9 Impact of high pressure processing on the microbial ecology of foods 194 S. Mukhopadhyay, D.O. Ukuku, V. Juneja, and R. Ramaswamy 9.1 Introduction 194 9.2 Processing operation 195 9.3 Bacteria and enzyme inactivation 195 9.4 Effect of high pressure on fruit and vegetable products 198 9.5 Effect of HHP on meat and other food products 198 9.6 Effect of added antimicrobial on pathogen inactivation by high pressure processing (hurdle approach) 199 9.7 High pressure carbon dioxide (HPCD) disinfection 200 9.8 Effect of HHP on bacteria, virus, insects, and other organisms 201 9.9 Effect of HHP on quality: color, flavor, texture, sugar, totally soluble, and insolubles 203 9.10 Advantages and disadvantages of using HHP 205 9.11 Applications and conclusions 205 References 206 10 Impact of Vacuum packaging, modified and controlled atmosphere on the microbial ecology of foods 217 L. Angiolillo, A. Conte, and M.A.D. Nobile 10.1 Introduction 217 10.2 Vacuum packaging 218 10.3 Controlled atmosphere 219 10.4 Modified atmosphere packaging 220 References 223 11 Impact of fermentation on the microbial ecology of foods 226 M. Mataragas, K. Rantsiou, and L. Cocolin 11.1 Introduction 226 11.2 Fermentations: microbial ecology and activity 227 11.3 Factors affecting food borne pathogen inactivation during fermentation 227 11.4 Challenge tests 229 11.5 Predictive modeling 230 11.6 Conclusions 236 References 236 12 Impact of forming and mixing operations on the microbial ecology of foods: focus on pathogenic microorganisms 241 J.C.C.P. Costa, G.D. Posada Izquierdo, F. Perez Rodriguez, and R.M. Garcia Gimeno 12.1 Forming 241 12.2 Homogenizing 244 12.3 Mixing 246 References 248 13 Impact of specific unit operations on food borne microorganisms: curing, salting, extrusion, puffing, encapsulation, absorption, extraction, distillation, and crystallization 250 E. Ortega Rivas, S.B. Perez Vega, and I. Salmeron 13.1 Introductory remarks 250 13.2 Burden of food borne illnesses 250 13.3 Food safety and food quality 251 13.4 Prevention and control through processing 251 13.5 Conclusions and prospects for the future 260 References 261 14 Impact of food unit operations on virus loads in foods 263 D. Li, A.D. Keuckelaere, and M. Uyttendaele 14.1 Introduction 263 14.2 The use of surrogate viruses to assess inactivation processes 263 14.3 Virus contamination in food processing 264 14.4 Survival of virus in the food processing chain 267 14.5 Effect of food preservation techniques on the virus load 267 14.6 Conclusion and perspectives 280 References 281 15 Impact of food unit operations on parasites in foods: focus on selected parasites within the fresh produce industry 288 L.J. Robertson 15.1 Background and introduction 288 15.2 Detection of selected parasites in fresh produce 299 15.3 Effects of fresh produce treatments on selected parasites 303 15.4 Conclusion 315 References 316 16 Impact of food unit operations on probiotic microorganisms 327 A. Gandhi and N.P. Shah 16.1 Introduction 327 16.2 Probiotic products 328 16.3 probiotics and environmental stress: cellular mechanisms and resistance 328 16.4 Enhancing stress resistance of probiotics 332 16.5 Conclusion 334 References 334 Part III Microbial ecology of food products 339 17 Microbial ecology of fresh vegetables 341 J. Zheng, J. Kase, A. De Jesus, S. Sahu, A.E. Hayford, Y. Luo, A.R. Datta, E.W. Brown, and R. Bell 17.1 Introduction 341 17.2 Prevalence and diversity of microbial communities on fresh vegetables (post harvest) 341 17.3 Post harvest persistence, colonization, and survival on fresh vegetables 342 17.4 Routes of contamination during post harvest handling of fresh and fresh cut vegetables 345 17.5 Microbial adaptation on produce commodity 347 17.6 Effective post harvest intervention technologies 348 References 350 18 Microbial ecology of fruits and fruit based products 358 S. Paramithiotis, E.H. Drosinos, and P.N. Skandamis 18.1 Introduction 358 18.2 Fresh whole fruits 359 18.3 Minimally processed fruits 367 18.4 Processed fruits 372 Acknowledgments 374 References 374 19 Microbial ecology of cereal and cereal based foods 382 A. Bevilacqua, M. Sinigaglia, and M.R. Corbo 19.1 Introduction 382 19.2 Sourdough 382 19.3 Ethnic fermented foods 384 19.4 Spoilage of cereals and cereal products 385 References 388 20 Microbial ecology of nuts, seeds, and sprouts 390 M.S. Rhee, S.A. Kim, and N.H. Kim 20.1 Introduction 390 20.2 Definition and classification of nuts, seeds, and sprouts 390 20.3 Microbial ecology of nuts and seeds 391 20.4 Microbial ecology of sprouts and their corresponding seeds 400 20.5 Implications and perspectives 409 References 410 21 Microbial ecology of eggs: a focus on Salmonella and microbial contamination in post harvest table shell egg production 416 S.C. Ricke 21.1 Introduction 416 21.2 Historical and current trends in commercial egg production 417 21.3 Egg production management on the farm and incidence of Salmonella 420 21.4 Egg processing and microbial contamination: general aspects 421 21.5 Microbial contamination during egg collection at the farm to in line processing 423 21.6 Microbial contamination during transportation to off line egg processing facilities 424 21.7 Microbial contamination during egg processing 425 21.8 Egg washwater and sanitation 426 21.9 Egg retail and microbial contamination 428 21.10 Conclusions and future directions 429 Acknowledgment 431 References 431 22 Microbial ecology of beef carcasses and beef products 442 X. Yang 22.1 Introduction 442 22.2 Carcass production process 442 22.3 Carcass breaking 451 References 455 23 Microbial ecology of pork meat and pork products 463 L. Iacumin and J. Carballo 23.1 Introduction 463 23.2 Pork meat as a substrate for microbial growth: chemical and physical characteristics 464 23.3 Microbial ecology of fresh pork meat: sources of contamination and microbial groups 465 23.4 Microbial ecology of chilled pork meat 467 23.5 Microbial ecology of vacuum/modified atmosphere packaged pork meat 468 23.6 Microbial ecology of marinated pork meat 469 23.7 Microbial ecology of cured and fermented/ripened pork meats 470 23.8 Microbial ecology of high pressure preserved pork meat 473 References 474 24 Microbial ecology of poultry and poultry products 483 S. Buncic, D. Antic, and B. Blagojevic 24.1 Introduction 483 24.2 Microbial hazard identification and prioritization 483 24.3 Microbial aspects of poultry processing at abattoirs 484 24.4 Microbial aspects of derived poultry meat products 492 References 497 25 Microbial ecology of seafoods: a special emphasis on the spoilage microbiota of North Sea seafood 499 K. Broekaert, G. Vlaemynck, and M. Heyndrickx 25.1 Introduction 499 25.2 Total viable counts (TVC s) and microorganisms identified depends on the method used 499 25.3 The initial microbiota of marine fish 501 25.4 Raw seafood 503 25.5 Processing lightly preserved seafood 506 25.6 A case study: brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) (adapted from Broekaert et al. 2013) 509 References 513 26 Microbial ecology of mayonnaise, margarine, and sauces 519 O. Sagdic, F. Tornuk, S. Karasu, M.Z. Durak, and M. Arici 26.1 Introduction 519 26.2 Mayonnaise 519 26.3 Margarine 523 26.4 Sauces and salad dressings 525 26.5 Conclusion 527 References 529 27 Microbial ecology of confectionary products, honey, sugar, and syrups 533 M. Nascimento and A. Mondal 27.1 Introduction 533 27.2 Cocoa and chocolate 533 27.3 Nuts and peanut butter 535 27.4 Honey 538 27.5 Sugar 539 27.6 Syrups 539 27.7 Conclusion 540 References 540 28 Microbial ecology of wine 547 E. Vaudano, A. Costantini, and E. Garcia Moruno 28.1 Introduction 547 28.2 Biodiversity of grape microorganisms 547 28.3 Microorganism ecology in winemaking 548 28.4 Microorganism ecology during aging 550 28.5 Microbial identification by classical methods 551 28.6 Microbial identification by molecular methods 551 References 555 29 Microbial diversity and ecology of bottled water 560 C.M. Manaia and O.C. Nunes 29.1 Definitions of bottled water 560 29.2 Characteristics of mineral and spring water 562 29.3 Useful methods to study bottled water microbiota 565 29.4 Microbiological diversity 568 29.5 Bottling effect 573 29.6 Microbiological contamination 574 29.7 A new perspective on microbiological quality and safety 576 Acknowledgments 577 References 577 Part IV Closing section 581 30 Microbial risk assessment: integrating and quantifying the impacts of food processing operations on food safety 583 J. C. Augustin, M. Ellouze, and L. Guillier 30.1 Introduction 583 30.2 Basic processes encountered during food processing operations 584 30.2.1 Microbial processes 584 30.3 Risk based objectives for each processing operation 590 30.4 Conclusion 595 References 596 31 Quorum sensing and microbial ecology of foods 600 V.A. Blana, A. Lianou, and G. J.E. Nychas 31.1 Introduction 600 31.2 Quorum sensing and microbial behavior 601 31.3 Quorum sensing and food ecology 606 31.4 Quorum quenching 610 References 611 32 Heterogeneity in Bacillus subtilis spore germination and outgrowth: an area of key challenges for omics in food microbiology 617 R. Pandey and S. Brul 32.1 Bacterial spores in the food industry 617 32.2 The Bacillus genus 618 32.3 Sporulation cycle 618 32.4 Endospore structure and its resistance 619 32.5 Spore germination and outgrowth 620 32.6 Heterogeneity in bacterial (spore) physiology during germination and outgrowth 623 32.7 Steps towards single cell physiology and omics measurements 625 References 626 33 Role of stress response on microbial ecology of foods and its impact on the fate of food borne microorganisms 631 A. Alvarez Ordonez, M. Lopez, and M. Prieto 33.1 Introduction 631 33.2 Acquisition of permanent stress tolerance through adaptive mutagenesis 631 33.3 Transient adaptive responses to stress: modulation of membrane fluidity as an example 634 33.4 Using food components to survive under harsh conditions 636 33.5 The balance between self preservation and nutritional competence (SPANC) 639 33.6 Conclusions and future prospects 641 Acknowledgment 643 References 643 Index 649 |
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