‏184.00 ₪

Review Questions for Dentistry

‏184.00 ₪
יצא לאור ב
New York
עמודים / Pages
Paperback / softback
תאריך יציאה לאור
29 באפר׳ 2016
Review Questions for Dentistry is an essential exam practice tool designed for undergraduate dentistry students, postgraduate MJDF candidates, and overseas candidates sitting their OREs.
Review Questions for Dentistry is an essential exam practice tool designed for undergraduate dentistry students, postgraduate MJDF candidates, and overseas candidates sitting their OREs. Using the questions as a platform for learning consolidation, this exam preparation guide provides feedback to students to enable them to assess their knowledge and understanding of the subject. * Features multiple question formats including MCQs, EMQs, SAQs and find the missing word questions * Answers include detailed explanations to help expand and consolidate learning * The text is divided into two sections; introductory questions and questions exploring the subjects in more detail * The book is accompanied by a companion website offering further interactive self-assessment tools
מידע נוסף
עמודים / Pages 200
פורמט Paperback / softback
ISBN10 1118815041
יצא לאור ב New York
תאריך יציאה לאור 29 באפר׳ 2016
תוכן עניינים About the companion website, vii Introduction: How to approach answering multiple choice questions, ix Section 1: Questions testing the introductory aspects of the subject 1 Endodontics, 3 2 Periodontology, 11 3 Operative dentistry, 19 4 Prosthodontics, 25 5 Medical and surgical aspects of oral and dental health, 33 6 Paediatric dentistry, public dental health and orthodontics, 40 Section 2: Questions exploring the subjects in more detail 7 Endodontics, 51 8 Periodontology, 75 9 Operative dentistry, 97 10 Prosthodontics, 118 11 Medical and surgical aspects of oral and dental health, 153 12 Paediatric dentistry, public dental health and orthodontics, 171 Further reading, 176 Index, 183