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213.00 ₪
Clinical Guide to Gastroenterology
213.00 ₪
יצא לאור ב
עמודים / Pages
Paperback / softback
תאריך יציאה לאור
29 במרץ 2019
שם סדרה
Clinical Guides
Clinical Guide to Gastroenterology is an accessible, quick-reference resource that provides practical, evidence-based information on investigations, interventions and management of clinical gastroenterological scenarios. It is packed full with bullet points, diagrams, tables, and algorithms of the important presentations and conditions within Clinical Gastroenterology.
Divided into sections, the book offers in-depth coverage of presenting complaints in Gastroenterology, common conditions broken down by organ system, important investigations and procedures, and pharmacology. Detail is given to the sequence of clinical examination, investigations and management required to diagnose and treat a wide range of gastroenterological disorders.
Provides information on symptoms, disorders and issues found in the clinical environment
Guides readers in decision-making, appropriate investigation, and conducting interventions
Includes important guidelines and clinical trials within each chapter
Supplemented by a companion website featuring a wealth of additional material, including more than 70 audio clips, over 50 clinical case studies, and almost 350 self-assessment questions, as well as key clinical trials and guidelines
Clinical Guide to Gastroenterology is a must-have text for junior doctors and medical students as well as doctors, nurses and trainees working within Emergency Departments, Medical, or Surgical Assessment Units.
עמודים / Pages | 480 |
פורמט | Paperback / softback |
ISBN10 | 1119189160 |
יצא לאור ב | Hoboken |
תאריך יציאה לאור | 29 במרץ 2019 |
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