Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing, Global Edition 11e
517.00 ₪
תאריך יציאה לאור
10 במרץ 2021
This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorialteam at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to includecontent which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.
For courses in thefundamentals of nursing. Preparing students to succeed in modern nursingcareersNurses today must grow and evolve to meet thedemands of a dramatically changing healthcare system. Kozier & Erb'sFundamentals of Nursing provides a core foundation of contemporaryprofessional nursing so students can succeed in today’s environment. From theintegral aspects of nursing, such as managing and communicating, to assessinghealth and client care, the text sets the foundation for nursing excellence. Tohelp students develop their clinical-reasoning abilities, QSEN featuresthroughout the 11th Edition draw connections to actual nursing practice.Students will learn to think like nurses as they see how the material they arereading is applied in nursing practice. Other updates include new examples,additional photos, and the latest standards of care.
MyLab® Nursing is not included. Students, if MyLab Nursing is a recommended/mandatorycomponent of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. MyLabNursing should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors,contact your Pearson representative for more information.
UNIT 1: THE NATURE OF NURSING 1. Historical and Contemporary Nursing Practice 2. Evidence-Based Practice and Research in Nursing 3. Legal Aspects of Nursing 4. Values, Ethics, and Advocacy
UNIT 2: CONTEMPORARY HEALTH CARE 5. Healthcare Delivery Systems 6. Community Nursing and Care Continuity 7. Home Health Nursing Care 8. Electronic Health Records and InformationTechnology
UNIT 3: THE NURSING PROCESS 9. Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning 10. Assessing 11. Diagnosing 12. Planning 13. Implementing and Evaluating 14. Documenting and Reporting
UNIT 4: Integral Aspects of Nursing 15. Caring 16. Communicating 17. Teaching 18. Leading, Managing, and Delegating
UNIT 5: HEALTH BELIEFS AND PRACTICES 19. Health Promotion 20.Health,Wellness, and Illness 21. Culturally Responsive Nursing Care 22. Complementary and Alternative HealingModalities
23.Concepts of Growth and Development 24.PromotingHealth from Conception Through Adolescence 25. Promoting Health in Young and Middle-AgedAdults 26. Promoting Health in Older Adults 27.PromotingFamily Health
UNIT 7: ASSESSING HEALTH 28. Vital Signs 29. Health Assessment
Pain Assessment andManagement
UNIT 8: INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF CLIENT CARE 31. Asepsis and Infection Prevention 32. Safety 33. Hygiene 34. Diagnostic Testing 35. Medication Administration 36. Skin Integrity and Wound Care 37. Perioperative Nursing
UNIT 9: PROMOTING PSYCHOSOCIAL HEALTH 38. Sensory Perception 39. Self-Concept 40. Sexuality 41. Spirituality 42. Stress and Coping 43. Loss, Grieving, and Death
UNIT 10: PROMOTING PHYSIOLOGIC HEALTH 44. Activity and Exercise 45. Sleep 46. Nutrition 47. Urinary Elimination 48. Fecal Elimination 49. Oxygenation 50. Circulation 51. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid–Base Balance
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