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A Companion to Italian Cinema

‏1,131.00 ₪
יצא לאור ב
עמודים / Pages
תאריך יציאה לאור
2 ביוני 2017
שם סדרה
CNCZ - The Wiley-Blackwell Companions to National Cinemas
Written by leading figures in the field, A Companion to Italian Cinema re-maps Italian cinema studies, employing new perspectives on traditional issues, and fresh theoretical approaches to the exciting history and field of Italian cinema.
Written by leading figures in the field, A Companion to Italian Cinema re-maps Italian cinema studies, employing new perspectives on traditional issues, and fresh theoretical approaches to the exciting history and field of Italian cinema. * Offers new approaches to Italian cinema, whose importance in the post-war period was unrivalled * Presents a theory based approach to historical and archival material * Includes work by both established and more recent scholars, with new takes on traditional critical issues, and new theoretical approaches to the exciting history and field of Italian cinema * Covers recent issues such as feminism, stardom, queer cinema, immigration and postcolonialism, self-reflexivity and postmodernism, popular genre cinema, and digitalization * A comprehensive collection of essays addressing the prominent films, directors and cinematic forms of Italian cinema, which will become a standard resource for academic and non-academic purposes alike
מידע נוסף
עמודים / Pages 648
פורמט Hardback
ISBN10 1444332287
יצא לאור ב Chicester
תאריך יציאה לאור 2 ביוני 2017
תוכן עניינים Acknowledgments xi Notes on Contributors xii Editor s Notes xix Glossary xx Preface and In Memoriam xxiv Part I First Things 1 1 Introduction 3 Frank Burke 2 Italian Cinema Studies: A Conversation with Peter Bondanella 16 Frank Burke Part II Historical/Chronological Perspectives 29 Silent Cinema 29 3 Silent Italian Cinema: A New Medium for Old Geographies 31 Giorgio Bertellini 4 Stardom in Italian Silent Cinema 48 Jacqueline Reich Fascism and Italian Cinema 65 5 Genre, Politics, and the Fascist Subject in the Cinema of Italy (1922 1945) 66 Marcia Landy The Italian Film Industry 83 6 Staying Alive: The Italian Film Industry from the Postwar to Today 84 Barbara Corsi Cinema and Religion 103 7 Italian Cinema and Catholicism: From Vigilanti cura to Vatican II and Beyond 104 Marco Vanelli Neorealism 121 8 The Italian Neorealist Experience: The Orphan Child and New Ways of Looking at the World 122 Lorenzo Borgotallo 9 Italian Neorealism: Quotidian Storytelling and Transnational Horizons 139 Laura E. Ruberto and Kristi M. Wilson Stardom and the 1950s 157 10 Italian Female Stars and Their Fans in the 1950s and 1960s 158 Reka Buckley Film Comedy the 1950s and Beyond 179 11 The Popularity of Italian Film Comedy 180 Louis Bayman 12 The Question of Italian National Character and the Limits of Commedia all italiana: Alberto Sordi, Federico Fellini, and Carlo Lizzani 198 Stephen Gundle French ]Italian Film Collaborations into the 1960s 215 13 Cross ]Fertilization between France and Italy from Neorealism through the 1960s 216 Adriano Apra Auteur Cinema (1960s and 1970s) 227 14 Italian 1960s Auteur Cinema (and beyond): Classic, Modern, Postmodern 228 Veronica Pravadelli Popular Film Genres (1950s to 1970s) 249 15 Italian Popular Film Genres 250 Austin Fisher Politics and/of Terrorism (1960s to the Present) 267 16 The Representation of Terrorism in Italian Cinema 268 Christian Uva Italian Cinema from the 1970s to the Present 283 17 From Cinecitta to the Small Screen: Italian Cinema After the Mid ]1970s Crisis 284 Tiziana Ferrero ]Regis 18 Contemporary Italian Film in the New Media World 303 Mary P. Wood Part III Alternative Film Forms 323 19 Thinking Cinema: The Essay Film Tradition in Italy 325 Laura Rascaroli 20 Italian Experimental Cinema: Art, Politics, Poetry 340 Sandra Lischi 21 Notes on the History of Italian Nonfiction Film 361 Luca Caminati and Mauro Sassi Part IV Critical, Aesthetic, and Theoretical Issues 375 22 A Century of Music in Italian Cinema 377 Emanuele D Onofrio 23 The Practice of Dubbing and the Evolution of the Soundtrack in Italian Cinema: A Schizophonic Take 393 Antonella Sisto 24 Watching Italians Turn Around: Gender, Looking, and Roman/Cinematic Modernity 408 John David Rhodes 25 Women in Italian Cinema: From the Age of Silent Cinema to the Third Millennium 427 Bernadette Luciano and Susanna Scarparo 26 Imagining the Mezzogiorno: Old and New Paradigms 447 Fulvio Orsitto 27 The Queerness of Italian Cinema 467 Derek Duncan 28 An Accented Gaze: Italy s Transmigrant Filmmakers 484 Aine O Healy 29 How to Tell Time: Deleuze and Italian Cinema 500 Angelo Restivo 30 The Screen in the Mirror: Thematic and Textual Reflexivity in Italian Cinema 512 Stefania Parigi 31 Deterritorialized Spaces and Queer Clocks: Intertextuality in Italian Cinema 531 Marguerite Waller Part V Last Things 551 32 Forum: The Present State and Likely Prospects of Italian Cinema and Cinema Studies 553 Flavia Brizio ]Skov, Flavia Laviosa, Millicent Marcus, Alan O Leary, Massimo Riva, Pasquale Verdicchio, and Christopher Wagstaff Index 572