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יצא לאור ב
4th Revised edition
עמודים / Pages
Paperback / softback
תאריך יציאה לאור
15 במרץ 2013
מחליף את פריט
Combining the disciplines of medical epidemiology, biostatistics, preventive medicine, and public health, this resource presents the information you need with a clinical focus, using real-life medical examples throughout.
Jekel's Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive Medicine, and Public Health is the only textbook that combines the disciplines of medical epidemiology, biostatistics, preventive medicine, and public health in one convenient resource. Written by renowned epidemiologists and public health experts, this text presents the information you need with a clinical focus, using real-life medical examples throughout. With review questions in each chapter to maximize knowledge retention and target key areas of review, it serves as an outstanding resource for USMLE prep - and is recommended by the American Board of Preventive Medicine as a top review source for its core specialty examination! Grasp and retain vital information easily thanks to quick-reference boxes that showcase key concepts and calculations; succinct text; and dynamic illustrations that facilitate learning in a highly visual approach. Spend more time reviewing and less time searching thanks to an extremely focused, "high-yield" presentation. Deepen your understanding of complex epidemiology and biostatistics concepts through clinically focused, real-life examples. Gauge your mastery of public health concepts and build confidence with case-based questions - now accessed online for a more interactive experience - that provide effective chapter review and help you target key areas for further study. Keep up with the very latest in public health and preventive health - areas that have shown great growth in recent years. New coverage includes the epidemiology of mental health disorders, disaster planning, health care reform, and the 'One Health' concept that highlights the indelible links among the health of people, other species, and the planet itself. Access the complete contents online at Student Consult, plus additional tables and images, supplemental information on the One Health Initiative, the latest childhood immunization schedules, chapter highlights in PowerPoint, 300 multiple-choice chapter review questions and answers, a 177-question comprehensive review exam, and more!
מידע נוסף
מהדורה 4th Revised edition
עמודים / Pages 456
מחליף את פריט 9781416034964
פורמט Paperback / softback
ISBN10 1455706582
יצא לאור ב London
תאריך יציאה לאור 15 במרץ 2013
תוכן עניינים EPIDEMIOLOGY Basic Epidemiologic Concepts and Principles Epidemiologic Data Sources and Measurements Epidemiologic Surveillance and Outbreak Investigation The Study of Causation in Epidemiologic Investigation and Research Common Research Designs Used in Epidemiology Assessment of Risk and Benefit in Epidemiologic Studies Understanding Errors in Clinical Medicine Improving Decisions in Clinical Medicine BIOSTATISTICS Describing Variation in Data Statistical Inference and Hypothesis Testing Bivariate Analysis Sample Size, Randomization, and Probability Theory Multivariable Analysis PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH Introduction to Preventive Medicine Methods of Primary Prevention: Health Promotion Methods of Primary Prevention: Specific Protection Methods of Secondary Prevention Methods of Tertiary Prevention The Public Health System: Structure and Function Medical Care Organization, Policy, and Financing Comprehensive Examination Epidemiologic and Medical Glossary APPENDIX